Tuesday, March 5, 2013

journaling-Broken World

We have some friends/family, who we love, that are grasping onto faith, that are living by hope, that are seeking joy in our broken world, but it is a daily struggle.  
It's all around us, brokenness that is...
But our God is a living God.  He is here.  He is present.  He is good!  He is writing His story. He is love and to put it the way that Katie said it to me today, "Love is good even when we make mistakes."  And if God is good then He is love and we can trust Him as He holds our lives in His hands.
Tell yourself the truth.  Tell it to sing to Jesus.  Tell it trust Jesus.  Tell it to think on whatever is lovely, right, true and lasting...
Praise Him. "We are waiting here for you, with our hands lifted high in praise".  And to praise means to speak out loud and in public, to actively say what the Lord has done, how he has been faithful, praise Him for his mighty power and His grace, His works and for His attributes  
(parts from disciplers Bible Study)
So dear friends and family, raise your hands in praise.  Grasp onto the hands on the Lord who is walking every step of our lives with us, tell yourself what is true and let me also tell you.

Come On My Soul-Rend Collective Experiment
Waiting Here For You-Christy Nockles

*And know that as much as I would love to be a great writer, I am not.  I have thoughts that tumble around my head and I want to put them on here for me, for others, for my family.
So peeps that read my blog, thanks of the grace when reading.  :)

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