Thursday, July 26, 2007

Katie was two months old yesterday!

WOW! How time flies! Though there have been some long nights, fussy times and tears we CANNOT believe that our little girl is already two months old. We are so blessed to have such a precious baby. She had her two month old check up today and weights a whopping 13.3 pounds (8 pounds at birth) and is 22 3/4 inches (20 3/4 inches at birth) long! She is in the 95th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. Yes, she is a growing girl! Things she can like crazy, coo, follow you with her eyes, is ready to roll over anytime, during tummy time she can move around to every corner of her crib, loves her mommy and daddy and is starting to find a consistent three (sometimes 3 1.2) hour eat, play, sleep schedule. We sure do love her! The Lord has been faithful to provide much grace, patience, and wisdom to us as we raise our Katie Grace. :)
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Jackie said...

She is adorable!! I'm enjoying all of your updates since I can't be there in person!!

Krista said...

What a precious picture! She is so alert and awake. How fun! How is she doing with nursing and having pain?!

Robin Muse said...

What a great little smile, Katie! You have a great photographer for a mommy!!