Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Another Nutrition Moment By Gi

So Justin has strongly encouraged me to go through some papers and get rid of them! Within that stack I found a paper about Kefir that I was going to blog about back in October. Well here is to getting things done!

Within the scientific community there is support that Kefir, which has been around for bunches of years and which is similar to yogart, is the base for a "balanced intestinal eco-system". This tart, fermentated dairy product also provides great calcium, protein, vitamins-especially B vitamins and fiber. If one were to go to Europe and talk about Kefir it might be refered to as, "the champagne of dairy products". It is also widely used in Russia. It is prized because it has so many beneficial nutritents! I pretty much think of Kefir as Yogart on steroids. Kefir has at least four more friendly bacteria and two more friendly yeasts that yogart has. Kefir is strong enough to build cities in your intestines of good bacteria and yeast, yogart just helps to keep your cities clean.

I decided to give this a try after Justin had his 11th stomach surgery last January. The Dr.'s were sure that something was going on again in his intestines making them tighten into knots or pinch or his small and large intestines were telescoping into each other...something was causing intense pain. But even after going into his stomach for surgery they didn't find the problem. I don't know if Kefir has made a incredible difference and I can't say that Justin will never have stomach isses again. But we have seen some good results with digestion. We make Kefir, from Kefir grains and then add it to our fruit smoothies with a bunch of other things, bananas, honey, cranberries, strawberries, fiber, super foods etc...

Anyway I found some of this info at Helios Organic Kefir, Wikipedia and Though there are many other sites too!

Happy Healthy O8'

1 comment:

the carlson's said...

Hey Gi! That sounds like a great article. My sister suffers from a lot of those things that is discussed there. Can you tell me where you got that book and I can send it to her or I might copy off this that you wrote and send it in an email if that is alright with you. Just shoot me an email to let me know. Thanks for the great information! Hope that you all are doing great!
