Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Nutrition Moment By Gi

Hey All,
So it has been a very long time since I have blogged about nutrition!
Here is a brief snapshot of an article that I read about the importance of water to the body. It has been amazing to see how potentially when I am in pain for numerous things it could be my body calling for water. Maybe with a lot of issues of the body it is actually our bodies being dehydrated! ...And if you were to read the whole interview not everything I read I agree with...
But I have copied and pasted a few lines from this online article that I read. Hope you enjoy and it helps you stay healthy!
:) Gi

This interview is from Dr. Batmanghelidj, author of Water For Health, For Healing, For Life, taken from Mike Adams with Truth Publishing...

Dr. B: That's right. So, basically, this is what's going on in medicine in America. Joint pain, back pain, arthritis cause by chronic dehydration. The human body also has its emergency calls for water. These are localized emergency calls. We call these heartburn, rheumatoid joint pain, back pain, migraine headaches, colitis pain, fibromyalgiac pain, even angina pain -- signs of dehydration in the body.

And the mechanism is very simple -- when there isn't enough water to be evenly distributed and certain parts of the body are working but not receiving enough water to deal with its toxic waste and metabolism, and the toxic waste builds up that area, the nerve endings in that area register the chemical environmental change with the brain. And the brain translates this information for the conscious mind in the form of pain.

Mike: So it's just the interpretation?

Dr. B: It's an interpretation, yes. So the conscious mind gets the information that, hey, this area we can't use anymore, it has a shortage of water. Of course, the conscious mind should have known that, but bad education has robbed us of that information. We think this pain is a disease.

Mike: The predominant diagnosis of this, of course, I think in the minds of most people, and especially in most M.D.s would be that there is something physically or structurally compromised in that area.

Dr. B: Well, of course, the compromise is when the tissue is dehydrated, it's changing structure. The plum-like cells become prune-like. Prune-like cells do not function in the same manners as a plum-like cell. So, that is how symptoms are produced. These symptoms mean, okay, let us get the ingredients that the body needs into the system. Now, when we say dehydration, water also brings a lot of other goodies to the cells. When we are dehydrated, these goodies are not delivered either. So, we need not only correct dehydration, but also to supply the minerals and vitamins and so on so that the body can repair itself.


We should not wait to get thirsty, because water is the main source of energy. By the time you get thirsty, you will have lost energy from the water that you should have drunk and made available before you get thirsty. So, if you don't allow the gas tank of your car to come dry before you stop and take some gas, then why should you let your body become thirsty so that it stalls on the roadside before you drink water?

So, first thing, people should never allow themselves to get thirsty -- they should drink throughout the day. An average person needs two quarts of water a day. Average person really needs four quarts of water a day. But two quarts we have to supply. Two quarts we get from food metabolism and water content in foods. We need this amount of water to manufacture at least two quarts of urine. You know, not to put pressure on the kidneys. When we drink enough water so that the urine is colorless, that is a good sign. When the urine becomes yellow, it means that the body is beginning to become dehydrated and when it becomes orange, then the body is truly dehydrated and some part of the body is suffering from that dehydration.

Me: His conclusion is that if I was to drink at least 2 quarts of water, not soda, coffee, juice, etc, I would actually see an increase in my health...that makes sense to me! I know that I should drink more water, but if I knew that it would help my bodies get rid of pain or ward off diseses wouldn't I drink more? Yes I would! So I am off to drink some water...! Cheers!


Hollie Carson said...

I just had a glass of Kefir this morning! How appropriate! I would however like to make Kefir myself. I've made Yogurt, so I wonder if it's similiar? Can you give me a link or info regarding making my own kefir? Love it!

Unknown said...

Hey Gi - While living in Wake Forest, I was making my own Kefir from raw milk. I'm not getting raw milk right now (and don't have anyone to score kefir grains from) and I was wondering what you knew about the bottled Kefir they sell in the store. Is it the same as homemade? Is it the same made with pasteurized milk? Awaiting your answers...

Justin and Gi said...

Hey Girls... :)
Hollie, I make my own from some Kefir grains that I got from another women in the area. It is really easy with some farm fresh milk and the grains. Really they multiply like crazy and I will have extra ones whenever you would want to try it homemade! With pasterized milk and kefir grains it doesn't work as the milk doesn't have another stuff in it to produce kefir.
Leah, I am doing the homemade method, but have found the store bought to be a good substutite. It isn't very sour so like Hollie said you could definately have a glass of it. :) But the store bought still has lots of good bacteria! And it would be worth it if I didn't have homemade on hand.
Let me know if you have other thoughts or questions!!
Happy Health to you two and your families.

Hollie Carson said...

When I first tried it, I took a step back b/c there is a little twing to it. Ohhh, I gotta come over Gi. Let's get together!!! I called Beth tonight b/c she called asking if I'd like to be a part of a "dialogue" if you will. I told Laura that I want to know more, she is hooking Beth and I up and then I got a call from Beth. So, I'm sure you're in the mix b/c you and Beth are good friends. Anyways, I'm a sponge so lay it on thick b/c I want to learn, learn, learn!