Tuesday, August 5, 2008

4 eyes in style...

Katie has been a great observer of her mommy and daddy and has noticed that we wear glasses. So with thanks to her cousin Camiryn she has a wide collection of glasses to add to her daily outfit. :) And as you can tell she puts them on herself. It is pretty cute! These are some of my favorites. And stay tuned....I am going to post a photo of someone else with his nerd glasses on; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :)

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1 comment:

Jae Davis said...

Didn't Justin dress up as a nerd for a date party or something in college? I think I vaguely remember him in taped-up glasses. Travis actually wore taped glasses for a while. LOL We're not hillbillies at all...hahahahahahahah ;)

I'll have to say Katie pulls the nerd glasses of with flair and style!

Love Ya,