Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dear Anna, "Nana" in FL
Katie wants to come to your wedding in January....
She said, "She is marrying Mr. Joey, just like Cinderella!"
You'll be beautiful Anna Jones-Just like the princess Cinderella. :) Katie is SURE of it.
She said, "She is marrying Mr. Joey, just like Cinderella!"
You'll be beautiful Anna Jones-Just like the princess Cinderella. :) Katie is SURE of it.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Katie has really taken to riding her tricycle around and even peddling a bit. She had veered off the driveway onto the grass and was trying to get back onto the concrete.
As I came closer I heard, "Go, Katie Go. Go, Katie Go. Go, Katie Go." She was coaching herself in a singsong voice as she was moving up the slight incline. You GO little girl!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
After our first bath
Thanks Aunt Pie and Uncle Dustin
Thanks sister for all you did in sending that package. Katie loved everything. You can tell that the turkey she colored is not quite done, but she is "saving it" to finish. I LOVE the stationary too-I am going to use some tonight.
Thanks again for the clothes (love the hoddie outfit!) and love you sent our way.
Thanks again for the clothes (love the hoddie outfit!) and love you sent our way.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The blog title says it all.
Katie has done an incredible job at adjusting to life with Owen.
She LOVES him to pieces.
Last week Katie and her daddy were inseparable. They did everything together.
She LOVED it! And I am so thankful for that week too. What a treat to have Justin home for that long.
This week it is Momma, Owen and Katie. So far it has been a good two days.
We have played a lot (thankful for the warmer weather) and she has run to get me things that I have needed. Even getting a few things that I didn't need (-such as a carmel from the counter at the farm that I didn't buy -I bought it after she ate half of it.)
And even when Owen is crying she has learned to sing him songs and tries to comfort him.
We are working on her being quiet and gentle.
This is taking some time, but it is starting to find its way into her heart.
And since her passionate personality has come out in full force for our attention, we
are thankful she is also a joyful two 1/2 year old and obeys quickly.
Thank you Katie Grace for loving your family so well.
You're incredible!
Katie has done an incredible job at adjusting to life with Owen.
She LOVES him to pieces.
Last week Katie and her daddy were inseparable. They did everything together.
She LOVED it! And I am so thankful for that week too. What a treat to have Justin home for that long.
This week it is Momma, Owen and Katie. So far it has been a good two days.
We have played a lot (thankful for the warmer weather) and she has run to get me things that I have needed. Even getting a few things that I didn't need (-such as a carmel from the counter at the farm that I didn't buy -I bought it after she ate half of it.)
And even when Owen is crying she has learned to sing him songs and tries to comfort him.
We are working on her being quiet and gentle.
And since her passionate personality has come out in full force for our attention, we
are thankful she is also a joyful two 1/2 year old and obeys quickly.
Thank you Katie Grace for loving your family so well.
You're incredible!
I need to remember this.
Katie and Owen were both asleep at the same time.
I got to take an hour nap while they slept.
I was able to make an apple crisp while they slept because someone is bringing us dinner.
The sun is shining and it is warm.
And God is gracious in this crazy time of newborns and toddlers!
I got to take an hour nap while they slept.
I was able to make an apple crisp while they slept because someone is bringing us dinner.
The sun is shining and it is warm.
And God is gracious in this crazy time of newborns and toddlers!
Friday, October 16, 2009
One little week old
Owen is officially one week old. We are amazed at this little guy and all that he has brought to our home. He is a joy and is loved on by us all! He now weighs 8 lbs 14 oz-almost back to birth weight. He is 21 inches long which puts both weight and height in the 90th percentile. He is a great eater and sleeper and his awake times include bright eyes and plenty of kicking around. We don't know if he has a milk allergy like Katie, but for now I am staying off of dairy. All in all a wonderful first week.
Katie loves her little brother and can't not give him kisses whenever the occasion arises.
As you can see from the last photo, Owen is not sure of all the kisses, but I am sure deep in his heart he loves them. Thanks for loving on your little brother, Katie. :)

Katie loves her little brother and can't not give him kisses whenever the occasion arises.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Asking for a hand
Katie to Owen, "Hey boy, pull me up!"
Owen to Katie, "ugghh"
In her defense, this is a game that Katie and daddy play as she stands beside the bed and he'll pull her up over the side...struggling purposefully...which she enjoys heartily.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Katie and Daddy--Owen and Momma time
Katie, has done an exceptional job at welcoming Owen into our home. One of the best things is that she and her daddy have gotten some fun play time.
Here they are on "Katie's Park".
Then yesterday Justin and Katie went on a Daddy date. They went to the pet store, library, grocery store for me, and Chic-Fil-A.
Katie was determined to have a date at Chic-Fil-A. She has been asking to go there ever sense seeing a video of her friend Catie Beth's date with her daddy (who went to Chic-Fil-A). I guess Chic-Fil-A is THE place to be for dates. They got to share french fries for a treat.
*Story-So, Katie took the last two fries, but after Daddy asked for a last fry too, she quietly dipped it in the Ketchup and then put it in Justin's mouth. Ohhh...Precious.
And at home Owen and Momma spent sometime sleeping, eating and making a pumpkin pie cake-pretty much like a pumpkin bread-that I was dying for!
We LOVE you Katie Grace and Owen Bradley
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Owen's birth
That is what I am when I look back over the past hours/days of this little ones life. For those of you that know or don't, both our kids births were fast.
(For Katie-I didn't feel good around 10:30 pm-was very constipated feeling, took a shower and went to bed. By midnight I woke up Justin. By 2 am we were in the hospital with contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. When I was checked I was 8 cm. By 4:52 am she was born. ...And I thought that was fast :)
But with this little guy it was a little bit faster!
Here is how Owen came into our world.
Thursday in the morning I remember telling a friend that I didn't feel good-was feeling a bit yucky. Katie and I continued to play and did our normal morning routine, but by noon I decided to give Justin a call to see what his schedule looked like. He had about 5 holes to finish up for a ministry golf tournament he was participating in. I said I'd call him back if I did indeed think I was in labor, and not simply feeling sick. I started to keep track of my pains and they were 20-30 minutes apart-this is when I started to think... maybe this was labor. I had in my heart and mind that since Katie came two days late, that this little guy would come at least next week "on time" or a few days late too. So even though I had some pain, I didn't think this was true labor!
But by 2 pm I called Justin back and asked if he could come home to be with us and then I called Melissa to see when she would be back to help play with Katie.
Then by 3 pm things started to pick up. My contractions were about 8-10 minutes apart; Justin got home and so did Melissa. I still wasn't that concerned about things yet, but by 3:30 I told Justin we had to go. Melissa took Katie to play and we headed to the hospital.
At this point, I knew I was in true labor since the pain was really increasing fast. We arrived at the hospital and they put me in the waiting room, facing about 7 other people waiting to hear news of delivery of their friends. Not the place I wanted to be while having such strong contractions!
I told the nurse that I had gone quickly with my first and could I please be taken to a room. She did. I was checked in at 4:49 pm and my exam told me that I was at 9 1/2 cm! 16 minutes after being checked in and after about 8 pushes, Owen was born at 5:05 pm.
WOW it was a whirlwind!
I am so blessed to have been able to have gone this quickly. I know that laboring at home for the afternoon was easier then sitting in a hospital bed waiting. Though I didn't want it to go THAT fast, it did and I am SO thankful to be now holding Owen.
He is doing well! His 9 pounds makes him a great nurser and sleeper and WOW I am beyond thankful to the Lord for his provision to see us through.
We love you little Owen
Your Momma
That is what I am when I look back over the past hours/days of this little ones life. For those of you that know or don't, both our kids births were fast.
(For Katie-I didn't feel good around 10:30 pm-was very constipated feeling, took a shower and went to bed. By midnight I woke up Justin. By 2 am we were in the hospital with contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. When I was checked I was 8 cm. By 4:52 am she was born. ...And I thought that was fast :)
But with this little guy it was a little bit faster!
Here is how Owen came into our world.
Thursday in the morning I remember telling a friend that I didn't feel good-was feeling a bit yucky. Katie and I continued to play and did our normal morning routine, but by noon I decided to give Justin a call to see what his schedule looked like. He had about 5 holes to finish up for a ministry golf tournament he was participating in. I said I'd call him back if I did indeed think I was in labor, and not simply feeling sick. I started to keep track of my pains and they were 20-30 minutes apart-this is when I started to think... maybe this was labor. I had in my heart and mind that since Katie came two days late, that this little guy would come at least next week "on time" or a few days late too. So even though I had some pain, I didn't think this was true labor!
But by 2 pm I called Justin back and asked if he could come home to be with us and then I called Melissa to see when she would be back to help play with Katie.
Then by 3 pm things started to pick up. My contractions were about 8-10 minutes apart; Justin got home and so did Melissa. I still wasn't that concerned about things yet, but by 3:30 I told Justin we had to go. Melissa took Katie to play and we headed to the hospital.
At this point, I knew I was in true labor since the pain was really increasing fast. We arrived at the hospital and they put me in the waiting room, facing about 7 other people waiting to hear news of delivery of their friends. Not the place I wanted to be while having such strong contractions!
I told the nurse that I had gone quickly with my first and could I please be taken to a room. She did. I was checked in at 4:49 pm and my exam told me that I was at 9 1/2 cm! 16 minutes after being checked in and after about 8 pushes, Owen was born at 5:05 pm.
WOW it was a whirlwind!
I am so blessed to have been able to have gone this quickly. I know that laboring at home for the afternoon was easier then sitting in a hospital bed waiting. Though I didn't want it to go THAT fast, it did and I am SO thankful to be now holding Owen.
He is doing well! His 9 pounds makes him a great nurser and sleeper and WOW I am beyond thankful to the Lord for his provision to see us through.
We love you little Owen
Your Momma
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Owen Bradley Hime
At 5:05 this afternoon we had the special privilege of welcoming little Owen into the world. He weighed in at just over 9 lbs. and was 21" long. Both Gi and the little guy are doing well!
Since Gi did all the hardwork, I'll extend to her the special treat of telling the whole story whenever she feels up to it. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement during this special time of our life.
The Hime 4
The Hime 4
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My last project
I was on a mission to find a few boy burp cloths that were cute (in my opinion). I had pink ones from Katie and that just wasn't going to work. So after a trip to Babies R Us, Walmart, Target and a few online stores, I had given up finding anything simple in blue or even green. I didn't want cars, dinosaurs, bugs, work trucks, etc.
So I gave more project and I did it with a big belly, sitting on the floor and with a two year old!
I found three flannel blankets, cut them up, and sewed them together adding some ribbon for a bit of color. They work for me, and I have five!
But if any of you know of any simple brands, of simple colors of burp cloths, I just might need one more pack, or I will potentially doing a lot of burb cloth laundry. :)
So I gave more project and I did it with a big belly, sitting on the floor and with a two year old!
I found three flannel blankets, cut them up, and sewed them together adding some ribbon for a bit of color. They work for me, and I have five!
But if any of you know of any simple brands, of simple colors of burp cloths, I just might need one more pack, or I will potentially doing a lot of burb cloth laundry. :)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Why don't we minister at breakfast more often?
A few days ago, I heard from somewhere or someone that ministering at breakfast could be so much more enjoyable/fun then say dinner time. And after thinking about this some, I have to agree, why don't we minister at breakfast more often?
Think about it. There are tons of yummy foods-coffee, tea, muffins, crepes, pancakes, french toast, fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, normally everyone is in a good mood having just woken up, and families with young kiddos don't have to worry about bedtime. It could be a fun way to START the day with company -Christians or not. You could put a time limit on it like from 9-11 am or just see how long people want to hang around enjoying company. And then the rest of the day is open for whatever your family needs to do.
Oh and if I did breakfasts more often then the house would already be cleaned. That sounds great!
So I was thinking of doing this with friends and to minster to unbelievers. Anyone want to come over for a hot cup of joe and french toast smothered with blueberries?
PS the cleaned plate above is Katie's, yes, she LOVES the below recipe!
Here is a recipe I found via the Internet that we love around here. It is partially made the day before and then finished in the morning. Delicious!
Madame Blueberries (as Katie calls it because of VeggieTales) delectable baked french toast
Loaf French or Italian Bread--I used my homemade bread and it worked great
4 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 cups blueberries (approx 1 1/2 pounds fresh or 2 (12-ounce) bags frozen)
1 cup coarsely chopped nuts (about 3 ounces), optional
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup granulated sugar--I used maple syrup and it worked well.
2 tablespoons cornstarch--I used arrowroot powder, works the same
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Powdered (confectioners') sugar, optional
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Grease a 9x13-inch baking pan.
Slice the bread into 12 to 14 slices about 1/4 inch thick; place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Whisk eggs, milk, baking powder, and vanilla extract together; slowly pour mixture over the bread, turning to coat the bread completely. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours or overnight.
Baked French Toast with Blueberry Sauce
Combine blueberries (don't defrost frozen fruit), chopped nuts if using, cinnamon, sugar, and cornstarch and then place into prepared baking pan. Place bread (wettest side up) on the berry mixture. Wedge slices in tightly, cutting some pieces to fit, if necessary. Brush tops of bread with melted butter. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until the toast is golden and the berries are bubbling around the sides.
Remove from the oven. Let sit for 5 minutes before serving. Serve by turning the bread over so it is topped with the blueberry sauce. Add powdered sugar if you want.
NOTE: Can be made with raspberries, peaches and strawberries and I believe almost any fruit can be used that generates juice. If the recipe is cut in half, half all ingredients except the baking powder. A half recipe works well in a 8x8 pan for about 2 1/2 people.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Worth a few free minutes
Want to see what one person can do in a world that is filled with hopelessness?
I know I am pregnant, but it did bring tears to my eyes. I hope I offer this type of hope and encouragement to those around me on a daily basis.
That's my prayer. May I be full of HOPE, in a God that is Good and Faithful.
click here
I know I am pregnant, but it did bring tears to my eyes. I hope I offer this type of hope and encouragement to those around me on a daily basis.
That's my prayer. May I be full of HOPE, in a God that is Good and Faithful.
click here
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