Friday, October 16, 2009

One little week old

Owen is officially one week old. We are amazed at this little guy and all that he has brought to our home. He is a joy and is loved on by us all! He now weighs 8 lbs 14 oz-almost back to birth weight. He is 21 inches long which puts both weight and height in the 90th percentile. He is a great eater and sleeper and his awake times include bright eyes and plenty of kicking around. We don't know if he has a milk allergy like Katie, but for now I am staying off of dairy. All in all a wonderful first week.

Katie loves her little brother and can't not give him kisses whenever the occasion arises. As you can see from the last photo, Owen is not sure of all the kisses, but I am sure deep in his heart he loves them. Thanks for loving on your little brother, Katie. :)

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Jae Davis said...

Gi & Justin,

Thank you for being faithful bloggers so we can see little Owen. From the sounds of it, he is pretty laid-back and content, which is awesome. He does have laid-back and content parents. Could he have gotten that from you two? :)

Robin Muse said...

He looks like you, Gippers!! We all agree!! :)

Marisa and Nathan said...

He is so handsome! Love the story with Katie below....calling him "boy"...and asking for help. Looks like your joy is overflowing right now. How GOOD our GOOD GOD is!

Marisa :)

Metlife said...

How adorable is your son?!!! Gi, we are so excited for you guys.