Saturday, October 10, 2009

Owen's birth


That is what I am when I look back over the past hours/days of this little ones life. For those of you that know or don't, both our kids births were fast.

(For Katie-I didn't feel good around 10:30 pm-was very constipated feeling, took a shower and went to bed. By midnight I woke up Justin. By 2 am we were in the hospital with contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. When I was checked I was 8 cm. By 4:52 am she was born. ...And I thought that was fast :)

But with this little guy it was a little bit faster!

Here is how Owen came into our world.

Thursday in the morning I remember telling a friend that I didn't feel good-was feeling a bit yucky. Katie and I continued to play and did our normal morning routine, but by noon I decided to give Justin a call to see what his schedule looked like. He had about 5 holes to finish up for a ministry golf tournament he was participating in. I said I'd call him back if I did indeed think I was in labor, and not simply feeling sick. I started to keep track of my pains and they were 20-30 minutes apart-this is when I started to think... maybe this was labor. I had in my heart and mind that since Katie came two days late, that this little guy would come at least next week "on time" or a few days late too. So even though I had some pain, I didn't think this was true labor!

But by 2 pm I called Justin back and asked if he could come home to be with us and then I called Melissa to see when she would be back to help play with Katie.

Then by 3 pm things started to pick up. My contractions were about 8-10 minutes apart; Justin got home and so did Melissa. I still wasn't that concerned about things yet, but by 3:30 I told Justin we had to go. Melissa took Katie to play and we headed to the hospital.

At this point, I knew I was in true labor since the pain was really increasing fast. We arrived at the hospital and they put me in the waiting room, facing about 7 other people waiting to hear news of delivery of their friends. Not the place I wanted to be while having such strong contractions!

I told the nurse that I had gone quickly with my first and could I please be taken to a room. She did. I was checked in at 4:49 pm and my exam told me that I was at 9 1/2 cm! 16 minutes after being checked in and after about 8 pushes, Owen was born at 5:05 pm.

WOW it was a whirlwind!

I am so blessed to have been able to have gone this quickly. I know that laboring at home for the afternoon was easier then sitting in a hospital bed waiting. Though I didn't want it to go THAT fast, it did and I am SO thankful to be now holding Owen.

He is doing well! His 9 pounds makes him a great nurser and sleeper and WOW I am beyond thankful to the Lord for his provision to see us through.

We love you little Owen
Your Momma

1 comment:

brandy said...

Congratulations Gi & Justin! OH, what a blessing. And Gi, I need your tips on short labor! Boy, that's fast! :) Bells took 52 hours :(