Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy 4 months Owen





We can't believe it, but Owen is now 4 months old! He is in the 90% for height-26 inches, 70& for weight 15lbs 14 oz and 80% for head size. He is trying to roll over, can grab my hair with a death hold-ouch!, loves watching Katie and us, sleeps well at night and eats every three hours during the day and at night. He is battling the 45 minute monster too...boo! Over all O is a great baby! Talking a lot, singing back to us, telling us loudly when things aren't going his way, and content to lay on the floor and look around.

We love you Owen Bradly!
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Krista said...

So at 4 months he is the same size as my boys, who are 13 months!!

the carlson's said...

He is such an angel!! How adorable!