Thursday, October 20, 2011

A few thoughts about my posting-or lack of!

SOoooo...our lack of photos/blogging is due to our needing and getting a new computer! We have waited to get a Mac and it's now sitting on our counter-yippeeee. :) But it has taken 32 hours to transfer stuff from our PC. Yes, 32 hours. Not to mention, all the photos are ALL MIXED UP. AHHHHH. I have NO idea how to separate them back out---help! any solutions you all have would be GREATLY appreciated. How do I organized them?

Yeah! We are going to the mountains for a few days. It is a much needed break and a welcomed refreshment. We have loved Black Mountain in the past and we are sure it won't let us down this time. We'll let you know. :)

Hopefully-back to more photos, at regular intervals next week!

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