Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Growing up

The blog has been a bit silent because of this little 'big' guy. Yep...we are officially potty training! It's been a long process even though I used the 3 day method like we did with Katie...but thankfully O is getting it! Owen does not enjoy stopping playing to use the potty. But if I keep my eyes (constantly) on him and the clock we make it most of the time. He does LOVE to be in undies and it makes him so grown up to not have diapers. I am a bit sad that he is getting big, but he is an amazing two years old!

*The hard part for me...the part I have to pray for patience....is the need to drop everything and have Owen right by my side. I love to have him with me! But I will love it in a few weeks when it is not- stop everything, run with Owen to the potty, encourage encourage encourage, cheer when he goes, repeatedly say, "Owen tell me when you have to go potty, keep staying dry in your undies", set the clock again to observe in 30 minutes or so.

One thing that has made it challenging is that Owen LOVES to drink water, juice, milk, anything-he drinks a ton. I think yesterday he went potty 4 times in 30 minutes-whew!

Handsome little boy~we are proud of you! Keep working and playing and growing up with the strength of Jesus.

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1 comment:

Julie said...

Do you think this would work for Titus? He's already 3 (technically 3 1/2...) We've been trying. Should I buy the book?