Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Few Favorite things

right now I have a zillion things going through my head and all of them are related to some current favorite things.

1. Pinterest.

Love it. I can say that it could become an addiction, but I am tailoring my expectations to only hunt for something specific. It is an amazing way to organize ideas. My favorite is that you get to see photos of the things you are searching for and then a simple description. I love that! I am on the search for Christmas present ideas, decorating for the home and school projects. Oh and new recipes...and I found some neat ideas for fashion. :)

2. Books.

I wish I had kept a list of all the books that I love to read to the kids, but two that are currently on our shelves or have been in the past weeks are these two: Little Blue Truck and Red Sled. Both really cute.

3.  A working washer and dryer.

Ours after 13-15 years finally did its last load.  We were blessed to have been given this first set after our  friend that was selling her house (our first home since we leased it from her).  It was a HUGE gift and did hundreds of mountains of clothes.
I did some research and finally settled on a set of Whirlpool.  But then I arrived at the store and the set on a super sale (pretty much buy one get one free!!) was a Samsung.  Needless to say-the sales clerk was wonderfully helpful...we got the Samsung. After waiting 1.5 weeks for it to be delivered I was SUPER thankful to have a washer and dryer.  It wasn't the greatest doing 'potty training' wet pants and undies in the bathtub.  But alas, we made it and LOVE our new set!  It's G R E A T!

4. Whole Foods Bulk Spices.

Justin just came home with some cinnamon for me, from the bulk bins for $1.08...and it filled up my bottle that normally costs $4.35!  What a deal.  :)  Plus it smells sooooooo good.


I love this site to organize our budget and accounts.  Seriously it has brought much relief to my weekly updating.  If you don't 'mint' yet, look it up!

6. Cast Iron Skillets

I use them everyday...multiple times a day.  Simple, simple, simple to clean.  Wonderful to cook with.  Keep oiled with Olive Oil and use them for years to come!  I have two sizes and am looking to get some small individual sizes so I can cook special breakfasts or desserts per person.  And finally I love that my family is getting iron in their food!  --Here is one I bought.

7. L L Bean slippers.  Still my favorite foot warmers.  They even wash well.  :)  Going on two years and still comfy cozy!

8. These guys-I. Love. Them.  Definitely my FIRST favorites!

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