Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Magic Kingdom

Basically, it was great.  I mean the whole experience inside Disney was GREAT!  I think I was expecting a typical amusement park experience.  Hot, sweaty, standing in lines forever, cranky kids, dirty rides...but really, it was not that at all.  I wouldn't want to do this holiday every year, but I can now understand why people do.  The whole experience is like you are in another wonderful world!  Everyone can answer your questions, I mean the folks there know where every rides is, where bathrooms are located, where each princess stands...  Oh and people called the kids princess and princes everywhere-the kids couldn't get over that. :) It was clean.  We had great weather.  We had wonderful kids that soaked in every moment and loved it all.  And I can see us going back again when the kids are a bit older, exploring the other parks and enjoying the 'magical' world of Disney. 

The Book, Unofficial Guide to Disney is AWESOME.  If you go, get it!  All of their information about the parks, places to stay, eat, things to buy, when to go, etc was worth reading before hand.  It made our time very enjoyable!

Without further ado:
Here we are waiting for the ferry to take us to the Magic Kingdom.  We got to Disney 20 minutes before they opened with some extra magical hours and it payed off!  
 Pretty neat to see how they open each and every day.
The train is a'coming down the tracks...
 Mesmerized and loving it
 First ride?  Dumbo!
 We rode it a few times back to back to back.  Love those NO lines!
Dumbo is a simple ride, but one of the busiest rides of the whole park.

 Then we literally bumped into Alice...so sweet.  The kids loved her as she wanted to climb on top of the Teapots!  She simply could not figure out what was going on.  :)  Made the kids giggle for sure.
 Winnie the Pooh ride
 Bells castle...to open soon...

 It's A Small World was a really neat ride.  We left trying to singing the song in a bunch of different languages. :)
One of the awesome things about following a touring plan was that the tour included shows.  We might not have visited as many shows as we did!  Each show added a great element to our experience.  This one was Mickey's Philharmonic in 3D...we all enjoyed this one!

 Katie LOVES Rapunzel!  She was trilled that Disney had a Tangled Tower and area for her.
 introducing tough guy, Owen

 Looking towards Main Street...
 The Fairy Godmother...Owen pulled Daddy into this picture.  :)

 I love this photo!
 meeting Tianna.  
We loved how Katie played with her hands being nervous. :)  But by the time we met the other princesses she was at ease and couldn't wait to give hugs!

...and we will be back after naps!
(The Disney posts continue May 23rd)

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