Friday, November 14, 2008

A potty experience!

 Our little Katie is so funny!  Right before her bath, we ask her to "try" to use the potty.  Most of the time this "trying" results in some tinkle-Yeah!, but other times it is just a cute, super funny show.  

She is learning so quickly to do what we do...just last week I walked into the bathroom and she had her doll on the lid of the toliet and was using some toliet paper to wipe her nose.  :) Hope you enjoy.  


Jae Davis said...

Jillian showed NO interest in using the potty...that is, until she saw Katie trying in this video. Jillian watched Katie and when the clip was over, motioned me, saying, "K, Mommy. Let's go big girl potty. K, Mommy?" :)

She still hasn't gone in the potty (despite many attempts) for months now, but watching Katie sure made her more willing to at least try!


Marisa and Nathan said...

Gi -

Now that Nathan is a daddy of a little girl, I had to show him this video! Hard to think little Ava will be where Katie is before we know it!

We loved all the grunting and pushing - going to the bathroom in that scary white bowl really is hard work! What a champ Katie already is, and I love the encouragment from Justin..."Thanks for trying, Katie."