Saturday, April 25, 2009

Does it get any more servanthearted?

Melissa, one of our college girls, decided that she wanted to serve Justin and I and mow our property. It takes about 3-4 hours and it was incredibly sweet of her! I know that she loves this sort of thing, but to give up hours on a Saturday??? That type of service is awesome. She did have some minor set backs with getting the mower stuck on a corner, but nothing but that. :)
Thanks SO much Melissa for serving us. It is a WONDERFUL treat.

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Marisa and Nathan said...

INCREDIBLE!! What a great example and challenge to the rest of us of learning how to stretch ourselves and really serve!

the carlson's said...

Very cute picture of the 3 of you decorating Easter eggs! I hope you are all doing looks like it!

*Melissa Anne* said...
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*Melissa Anne* said...

hahahaha...some MINOR setbacks...just had to cut down a tree and tow the lawn mower out of a biggy! All in a days work I say cuz you know I can't do anything 'normal.' I move like a kamikaze whirlwind in the kitchen while I cook and aparently when I do lawn work as well.