Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Room time


Katie now is asking to have room time! I am so thankful I stuck with this, especially now that we have Owen. It gives Katie her own space for 30 or so minutes and she gets to regroup. I am amazed at how much this can settle her being down or change her attitude to a happy heart.

Now when I come back and her timer has gone off this is normally the scene I find. Toys are everywhere but thankful for developing this quiet time for her.

One addition-I am going to, a few times each week, play the Jesus Story Book Bible on CD for her to listen. (Check it out it just came out) I know she can't read yet on her own (though we read it each night), but she can listen.

Katie-you can't read this so you won't know one of your Christmas presents. hehe!
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Kristin said...

When did you start room (or crib?) time? Did you post about this before?

Unknown said...

Hey, check out a book called Creative Family Times by Allen Hadidian and Will Wilson. They have a bunch of great ideas. The reason I think of it is b/c they give the idea to play a "Parent Tape" during Room Time. You make a tape/cd of your voice reciting Bible verses, singing songs, saying the ABCs, talking about manners, etc. It's a pretty neat idea - if you can't find the book and want to know more specifics, e-mail me.