Monday, March 22, 2010

Tonight at bedtime

Katie (at almost three years old) had a bit of a late nap and tonight is having a hard time falling asleep.
It has been priceless, but now hopefully she is tired and zonked out since it is 9:28 pm...

A few conversations that we heard.

Justin, "What do you need Katie?"
Katie, "Daddy, the girl is in the green water and a yellow thing is chasing her."
Justin, "wow, it's okay. It is time for bed."

Me, "Katie, do you need something?"
Katie, "Momma, the beaver is talking to me."
Me, "Really, what is he saying?"
Katie, "Well, he is talking and that is why I am still awake. I told him it is bedtime."
Me, "I think that is a good idea. What did he say?"
Katie, "The beaver is awake because of the woodpecker."
Me, "Hummmm the woodpecker. Who else is here?"
Katie, "A giraffe, lizard, frog, bear, puppy dog, zebra."
Me, "Amazing, they are all in here. Well, I will tell them to leave your room and to go to bed themselves."

Katie yelling from her room, "I have to go stinky, I have to go stinky."
And she did, A LOT! Justin flushed the potty twice so it wouldn't get stopped up.
And while she was on the potty, she was thinking of what she should name her animals...the only ones that got names were the zebra as "zaza" and "Woody" the beaver.

Oh and a few days ago we were singing songs before she went to sleep. I chose Micah 6:8 which we sang. Then we asked her what song she wanted. She said, "Joel". Cute huh...she thought if Micah Mckenzie got a song then the next song should be about Joel Mckenzie!

Sweet baby girl...we LOVE your imagination and creativity. May God use this for His glory. :)

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