Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Journaling-8 Questions and their subquestions I have been asking myself

Learning to ask good questions...

1. What character traits to we want our family to pursue?

2. When my kids "inconvenience" me, how do I respond?

3. Does the budget drive my ministry or ministry drive the budget? (areas of ministry-food, hospitality, giving, discipleship, etc...) Are we eating food that gives us energy and life or are we eating it simply because it is cheap/easy?

4. What things do I need to reconsider/change when being a wife, training my kids, and keeping a home? In what ways have I become complacent?

5. Do I really believe that Prayer works? Does it have the ability to change my life and those around me?

6. When I need to ask for forgiveness, do I ask whoever I offended? Or am I to proud?

7. Do I take care of myself (do my hair, change out of pjs, wash my face, try to get enough sleep) only when I am going out to run errands or have something on the calender for the next day? Do I make sure my husband and kids have a wife/mom that looks nice for sometimes only them?

8. Am I trying to live in the tension of a Grace filled life, abiding with Jesus and yet working with all I am to live well-pursuing God in all things? Am I falling to hard to one side or the other?


Joy said...

wow, really like this post

Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

Good thoughts! There are a lot of those things that I need to think about more and watch my perspective on life issues.

Great post sis!

Krista said...

Gi, it was so wonderful seeing you today! You look great and your children are just precious. Thanks for sharing your home, baking bread, and showing me the bosch :). I had such a wonderful time and am reminded how much I miss you. I am thankful for blogger to keep us in touch. And, I'm going to hope that one day in the not-too-distant future you all might decide to visit Egypt.

Love you! (And, I really like this post - I'm going to write down these questions. . . )

Krista said...

Gi, it was so wonderful seeing you today! You look great and your children are just precious. Thanks for sharing your home, baking bread, and showing me the bosch :). I had such a wonderful time and am reminded how much I miss you. I am thankful for blogger to keep us in touch. And, I'm going to hope that one day in the not-too-distant future you all might decide to visit Egypt.

Love you! (And, I really like this post - I'm going to write down these questions. . . )