Monday, April 19, 2010

Katie's garage sale finds and my Journaling about Garage Sales.





At the garage sale Katie was on the hunt for a new game. She found one and was SUPERB excited. She actually bought two-Disney Memory and Stacking Elephants. She paid the lady her dollar and couldn't wait to play when we got home. As you can see by the photos, even Owen like it (grab piece, open mouth, insert game).
And what is a day with Daddy without wearing his hat. Glad when we get Daddy home on the weekends. :) Boy, these three are cute!

Journaling-Garage Saleing...
We went to the local neighborhood garage sale this past weekend. The subdivision is huge, made up of cottage style homes, plantation homes and craftsman bungalows. It is one of those neighborhoods that is SO inviting with its colors and play spaces. We brought the stroller for Katie and Owen napped in the Ergo. It was a nice relaxing morning. Justin and I went to be outside and watch the faithful people that garage sale, every Saturday morning...looking for that one terrific find. It doesn't hurt that this area is well to do and so people think they can find something cheap that once might have cost a small fortune. But really it is an interesting people watch.

Here's who you see...

1.You have the folks like us that are strolling around looking for things that might be neat or fun for the kids.

2.Then there are the Hispanics and other cultures that look like they are out doing their daily shopping.
Story-we were at a house and a Hispanic lady was looking at a nice dishwasher for sale. They lady selling the dishwasher wanted $200. The Hispanic lady offered $150. Selling lady said, "No". Hispanic lady again said $150. The selling lady said, "No!". The Hispanic lady said again $150. The selling lady said, "No don't ask me again!". The Hispanic lady AGAIN said $150? The selling lady in a very loud annoyed voice said, "No, DON'T TALK TO ME ANYMORE!". Whew...the dishwasher was still sitting there when we left.

3.The flea market folks that look for something they can resell. These people literally RUN up to a sale and grab something right under your fingers.
Story-I saw a cute little pink and a cute little purple chair for Katie to use outside. Both were $5 each and so I asked if they would take any less (always fun to barter). She said she would do $3 and I said I'll take one of them. As I was going to ask Katie which color she wanted a lady ran up next to me and said, "Are you buying those chairs?". I said I was buying one of them. She said in a breathless voice, "Can I buy the purple one?". And within a few seconds I was left with buying the pink chair. :)

4.The older folks that power walk from one sale to the next with their fanny packs tightly zipped and smiles on their faces.

But as I walked about the garage sale, Justin and I thought of two thoughts. One, isn't it sad that people are so hungry for a good deal. If they can just get a bargain...surely they need that third basket or 10th picture frame. :) Stuff has taken the place of God so often in our pursuit for joy. We keep looking for that "other" thing to fill the place that only God can.

And second, like the lady and the dishwasher. We really think our stuff is worth more then it is. We think more of ourselves and our things then we ought. That dishwasher probably didn't sell. But for $50 less they could have both been happy. One to have a dishwasher and the other to get it our of their garage where it was sitting collecting dust.
We are a stubborn prideful people. If we could just grasp the reality that we are dirty rags, but priceless because of the blood of Jesus and the imprint of God on our lives.

Finally please don't hear me that we shouldn't shop for deals or to take our time finding that special thing. And we should price things at what we think they are worth. But our hope is found in Jesus as is our joy. Things won't make us happy, only a person will.

Thank you Jesus!
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1 comment:

Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

I do love garage sales!! The season of shopping is upon us :) I do also love the fanny pack people and the drive out of the car people, and we have many many vans that pull up of hispanic families that are looking usually for large items and ALWAYS want a lower price. This happened quite a bit to us last summer.