Friday, November 26, 2010

Mimi came!

Yay! Yay! Yay! Mimi came for a visit!
My mom blessed us by coming out for a visit this past week! It was a treat to have Mimi here. We did plenty of stuff, but mostly we played, read books, went outside, practiced school and did errands. Thank you Mimi for coming! We LOVED it. :)
Katie seems to be continually fighting off a dairy allergy. It is so RARE to have her fall asleep outside her bed. This is precious. She fell asleep while we were watching, "people that get ouchies" or American's funnies videos. She was plum tired after a day of a runny nose and cough. I am glad though that she acted fine since it was a special week. So precious these days to hold a sleeping 3.5 year old.
Owen showed Mimi how he plays in the toilet and with the paper!
Mimi and Katie had fun in her room playing with the door shut. She just wanted Mimi to herself!
Since my mom is a 4/5 grade teacher she had a blast and so did Katie doing school! I think they finished an entire workbook. :)
We went out to eat in Cameron village and enjoyed the warm temperatures at around 70!
Thankfully, Mimi loved playing outside with Owen. I was able to do a few things inside to organize and Owen was so content outside...SO CONTENT!
And finally, Mimi left us plenty of Christmas gifts. She hid them in the laundry closet. Each of these bags is stuffed with goodies. But I have promised not to open them until Christmas. We will see if I wait, hehe-okay Mom, I will wait!

Thanks Mimi/Mom for coming out. It was a blessing and we loved it! We hope to see you and Grandpa (and Aunt Pie/Uncle Dustin, Uncle Tommy/Aunt Julie!) soon. Hugs from your NC4
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