Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Guest Post - Melissa Clift

Good Evening!

Tonight is a recipe post. I (Melissa) just finished dinner for the Himies. We had...*bumbuhbum* EGG ROLLS!

They turned out quite nicely. And I was able to fry them in Peanut Oil - which is a first for me. It was FANTASTIC! I will have to tell my mom about it cuz we all know this is her recipe not mine :)

*Insert picture of mouth-watering, golden brown, asian awesomeness*


2 bags cole slaw mix
1-2 cups of cooked and shredded chicken
1/4 cup soy sauce (or until the mix is lightly browned)
1 package egg roll wrappers (usually found in the produce section near the cole slaw mix)
2-3 cups of peanut oil

Cook slaw mix and soy sauce in large sauce pan until soft - approx 40 min
Add the chicken to heat it up as well.
Drain the juices
Use a spoonful or two of the mix and roll your egg roll.
        TO ROLL: Lay the wrapper out diagonally. Put mix in the middle or a little lower. Fold up the          bottom corner. Fold in the two side corners. Roll once tightly making sure the corners are closed. Place your finger in a small thing of water and swipe across the top corner. Fold and press the corner. The water should keep it sealed sufficiently.
Fry the egg rolls in a medium/small sauce pan or deep fryer until golden brown.
Place eggrolls on a plate with a paper towel on it. Stand the egg rolls up leaning against one another so the excess oil drains out.

Makes approx 20 eggrolls.



Joy said...

wish I could have been there- looks incredible. is peanut oil good for you? I've never heard of it/used it.

*Melissa Anne* said...

:) Well, joy...I'm not so sure if peanut oil is good for you...but it sure tastes good! hahaha