Friday, November 21, 2008


We woke up to some beautiful flurries outside! I was SO excited and Katie soon joined in my excitement especially at 6:30 in the morning. :) I got her bundled up with shoes that sorta fit over her footed pj's, a hat and coat and off we went outside to see the snow! I think that she was interested in it, but it was the second highlight of her morning, as the first was her crackers. :) We just walked around trying to catch a flake or two.
Happy Days-maybe we'll have a white Christmas!

1 comment:

Marisa and Nathan said...

LOVE first snows! And how much sweeter is it when you're a little kid and it actually IS your FIRST snow! Oh, the wonder of the Lord and the many gifts He gives us. How good it is to receive these little common graces! Thanks for sharing!

Marisa ;)