Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I got some Katie time!

Katie has been needing and I have been wanting some just Momma and Katie time. But with Owen still so young and not a great napper, time is limited. And as you can see from the last photo...he didn't last long playing by himself.
I decided to jump into muffin making with Katie and she was SO excited. We made banana ones and they were Delicious!

On an side note, Katie has had reoccurring "runny noses and colds" these past months and I have been so frustrated for her. We finally saw Dr. Kelly who is a chiropractor specializing in advanced kinesiology-LOVE HER! Her thought...Katie is not tolerating dairy-she did this through muscle testing-amazing! Duh, the intolerance is still there! Her body does well for a while and then it is overwhelmed and makes a snot factory and coughing fest. She had such a fierce reaction when she was a baby while I was nursing and eating dairy...duh, it is still here. Not to mention I don't tolerate it well and Justin doesn't either-runs in the family I guess.
That said, I have been on the search again for good dairy free foods. Here is the recipe that I used that is wonderful. :) * I did use Whole Wheat Flour and honey granulars for the sweetener. yummm...

And the last photo album is me trying within about 30 seconds to get ONE good shot with my little girl. What a difficult task! :)




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Metlife said...

Love it! Can't wait to do some cooking with my little gal. My sister got her an apron already and I am dying for her to use it :) All in time!

Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

Good Looking Apron KK!! I am glad that Mommy even had you put on the muffin hat!!

Miss you! Love yoU! You can come and back with Aunt Pie anytime!!