Tuesday, May 10, 2011

journaling-I'll miss this...

When I find things like this....tiny animal figures in the window sill...I am reminded that I will miss this stage of life. And though somedays I wish they would hurry up and grow bigger, small things-like finding the animals here, make me step back, pray and enjoy the 18 month old and almost 4 years old I have.
As Mother's Day has come and gone, I again desire to teach, train, love and pray well for my children. I desire them to see a mom that loves unconditionally-kids and husband, prays without ceasing, shepherds though it all and is on her knees for her own heart daily.
Lord, may my role as Momma never be in vain. May it push my children to their heavenly Father and King...so that in all of life's trials and joys they may cling to Him and know their Momma is rooting for them.
Love you precious little ones,
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Joy said...

so thankful for this post. inspiring to me to take in those moments of sweet animals in the window-sill (instead of seeing another place I need to clean up something that was left out). Lord, also help me in these areas you have prayed! love yah Gi!

Krista said...

Love it. You are a terrific mama and I'm so thankful for your friendship!