Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Nutrition Moment by Gi I am so excited to share with you all "nutrition moments by Gi". I have decided to post things I am learning about regarding health and nutrition. Most of you all know that after Justin had this last surgery in January of 07' we decided that we had to make some changes. We DO NOT want Justin to continue to have these issues with his stomach and so I am on a mission to research about foods because we both believe poor food choices have contributed to his issues. I also taught Home Ec for a year and LOVE to learn about food. Plus who wouldn't want to be healthier, have more energy and be sick less! :0)

So today's "nmbg" is about wheat.
Most of you know that I try to make homemade bread around our house. It is so much fun to have delicious bread that is warm out of the oven with butter and honey. Plus, it is fantastically healthier for us. Who also wouldn't want a home smelling like fresh bread? As I have search sources to find out why homemade bread is better I have come to the conclusion that what makes it healthier is the fact that I grind my own wheat. Yep, I very easily take wheat grains, put them into a small mill, push the button and out comes fresh flour!

Here is why it is healthier to grind your wheat then buy it from the store.
"Wheat has 26 essential vitamins, iron for blood, potassium and Vitamin E for heart, vitamin B for the nervous system" and others. Did you know that "within 24 hours after it is ground, it loses 45% of all its nutrients and within 72 hours, it loses 80-90% of its nutrients"? And "white flour has been processed to remove ALL of the nutrients, bleached to be absolutely sure that all the life is destroyed". So bread that is bought from the store has very little nutrients left. (but does have a great shelf life) The air has zapped them all out! But bread that is made from wheat that is freshly ground is still filled with goodness!
That is why I choose to grind my own flour and make our bread. I don't always have the time and do buy some bread from the store. But since I want to make healthy choices for our family I try to spend the time to make bread. It takes me about 30 minutes plus rising and cooking every time I make it.
In conclusion, who wouldn't want to eat something rich in vitamins and minerals. After all these vitamins and minerals keep us trucking on the road to a long life with our families and friends, Lord willing!
:) Gi


Unknown said...

I want to hire you to come to my house and make fresh bread for me.

Seriously, it is semi-depressing to read your facts and realize that the bread I'm eating from the store does so little for me.

Keep the "nmbg"s coming!

Krista said...

Have you read The Maker's Diet? For books dealing with health and nutrition, I really, really enjoyed it.

Jae Davis said...


Right on! I took a breadmaking class at a homeschool convention I went to a couple of years ago and I found it fascinating and extremely helpful. The class helped me understand what I'm really buying at the store. Did you know the U.S has a limit to the number of dead bugs per so many oz. of cereal we eat? That means SOME are allowed!? I just about fainted when I heard that, and every time my kids say they think there's a bug in their milk, I wonder if it is a bug that came with the cereal!