Monday, August 20, 2007

A nutrition Moment by Gi

Last week I went to a wonderful talk on why we should care about what we eat. I found it fascinating how the women started the talk by directing us to Proverbs 31. Let me try to explain.
First, take a moment to read Proverbs 31 10-31. I know that this passage has been used to teach on the virtuous
woman (literally translated, "woman of great strength"). And we all
know that there isn't such a thing(apart from Ruth in the Bible, but
that's a different study), this woman is superwoman. She can do it all
and I bet she never sleeps! But this passage does inspire us to look
well to the ways of our house. It calls us to strive after the things
God has placed before us and to care for our families with grace, love
andperseverance. And this passage is intensely practical. It can be read again and again and it never ceases in its encouragement of us to be Godly women/wives.
There are a few verses that she focused on...she started in verse 11.

"The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain".

you ever considered how the heart of your husband trust you as you plan
meals, purchase groceries, and prepare your daily
breakfast/lunch/dinner? As I was thinking this through I realized that
it is not often that Justin gives much consideration to the food he
eats...he often simply enjoys the meals that I have placed before him
for dinner. I am sure some meals have been less than great, but he
doesn't normally question the nutritional content of his dinner, and he
lovingly never questions the taste of it :). Thus, I was challenged
during our time to consider how his trust and my responsibility and
calling necessarily apply even when I consider the food we eat. Even in
this, preparing our menu/meals, the husband's heart trusts what he is
eating and as a result he has no lack of gain. It made me consider
deeply, do I take seriously God's call to care for my house in this
way? If my husband is to trust in me in order that he not have any lack
of gain..shouldn't I be thinking through what I'm making and putting
before him? This talk that I attended has reinvigorated my desire to
learn about nutrition, food choices, and other such things. If I want
my husband to have no lack of gain (weight gain??...I don't know if
that fits in there :), shouldn't I work to make healthy meals? He needs
to be able to be fit and healthy so that he can provide for our family,
so he can play with our kid(s), and so he can pursue the Lord in anyway
that the Lord calls him to. The scripture says this and I am going to
take note that not all food is created equal. I need to think before I

Working to gain new vision...Love,

1 comment:

Krista said...

Amen sister! I love your nutrition moments!!