Sunday, June 8, 2008

New friends on the farm...

Living out here on 40 acres has its blessings and many opportunities to make new friends.
Melissa caught this snapping turtle out of the pond with her fishing pole!

Justin found this LONG black snake out on our back porch. (and since it was living on our back porch, he took care of it...if you know what I mean) *Funny story...he saw it on Saturday night and he was trying to get it off the porch and into the grass...but as he came up the stairs he was no where to be seen...I was having thoughts of it in the house! But the snake must have had a hole he slid into..well he was back in the morning sunning and so that was the end of our black snake friend. -Where are the McKenzie boys when you need them?? I know black snakes are good to have around, but not that close to Katie and I.

And the last photo is of a swallowtail butterfly, oh aren't they beautiful! It was caught in our garage, but we got it out and back into the open air. :)

Our other friends are a beaver, at least 14 deer, 10 plus Canadian Geese, a humming bird and blue birds.

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1 comment:

Kristin said...

Looks like you guys are having so much fun!! So glad you're doing well :). Thanks for the comments on our blog... We are planning on finding out the gender of the baby - our ultrasound is the 30th! The name will probably be a surprise (although at this point, we don't even have many ideas!) You should tell me about your pregnancy some time!