Friday, June 20, 2008

THANK YOU MS. JAE (and Jillian and Maddie)

So Katie every season or so gets a box from a great friend from college, who has four kids, two of them girls. They are SO kind to send Katie a box FULL of clothes. The outifts are always SO welcomed and always right on time for a seasonal wardrobe change. I know that kids grow at all different rates, but our little one is in 18 months to 24 months clothing right now and she is 13 months old!!

Katie also has a fettish with shoes right now. ...Always wanting to put her shoes on. The second photo is her choice of shoes and the last photo is all the great clothes she is now wearing!

Thank you Jae, Maddie and Jillian for being so generous and helpful to us. We love you guys and hope someday to work it out to see you all.
Love from NC to LA

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1 comment:

Krista said...

I like the blog overhaul! Katie is such a big girl picking out her shoes to wear :).