Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't try this at home...

I have been soaking my grains for about 8 months now and have done something that I said I would be careful enough to NEVER do. To soak grains, I mix part of my bread ingredients and leave them in the bowl to soak for 7 hours. I put the plastic bowl in the oven with just the oven light on-which keeps it warm enough to break down the acid that makes grains hard to digest. Well, I placed my bowl in the oven and then a few hours later decided to make muffins. I made the muffins and then TURNED on the oven....not remembering my bowl was in there! Yep, at 300 degrees I remembered. AHHHHHH! But it was to late. This is what a bowl looks like after being in a 300 degree oven. It melted right where it was sitting on the metal rack. And I because of this I couldn't get it to lock again on the mixer stand.

So I had to order another one. I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. I just made a sign to tape OVER the bake button on the oven, so I can't turn on the oven without seeing the note. OH.....I was SO frustrated! But in case any of you ever want to order anything like a mill or bosch or other sort of kitchen is WONDERFUL. They were so understanding (she did ask, "now how exactly did you do this?") and since they noticed that I had just gotten the mixer this past Christmas, she said let me wave the shipping fee for you! Oh, I was so excited. My new bowl just arrived and I am getting ready to soak again...with the sign taped to the oven button!
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