Saturday, July 12, 2008

I am 30 now and need help!

There are times in my life when I my brain functioning?

I can honestly say that I had a really OFF day.

1. We went to sell our 93 Camiry since Justin has bought us a new car and after driving for 20 minutes to get to the dealership... Justin asked me for the title of the Camiry and I realize with a sinking feeling that I left it on the kitchen island. BAD idea. One hour later we are done with that errand.

2. I went to return something at Walmart and got all the way into the store and had to go BACK out to the car to get the return, which since the parking lot was REALLY FULL it took forever to walk there and back.

3. I went to check on the neighbors house...loaded Katie in the wagon, walked down the drive and realized that I had grabbed the WRONG keys.

4. I made bread today and it turned out TERRIBLE. I didn't add enough flour and therefore it is very SOFT, edible, and looks like I just tried out a new recipe. I have been doing this for 5 years and it didn't show today that I had! I HATE to waste food!

So anyway I am glad for the LORD'S GRACE and I think I am going to bed in about 5 minutes.
Anybody else out there ever have a day like this? Does this automatically happen when one turns 30? Thoughts by anybody that reads this blog would be nice. :)


Robin Muse said...

We don't know what you are talking about, Gi! :) Hoops and Yoyo!

Justin and Gi said...

No matter how forgetful you may be...I still love you to the moon and back!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness!! It's kids!! Just wait till you have 2...then your brain totally goes on vacation, and never somes back!!! Remember me at FA having so many memory problems, it's worse now with 2!

Jae Davis said...


I totally missed a doctor's appointment today, spent about an hour in Sam's and the parking lot looking for the key that fell off my keychain and finally got my birthday boy to Wal Mart this afternoon AT 4:00 p.m.!! to pick out a birthday cake to have "personalized" with his name. What happened to spending three hours making the perfect homemade cake a week before my kid's birthday and never losing anything? I chaulk it up to taking care of five others' business. Ladies are said to be good multi-taskers. I wasn't evaluated for that study! ;)

Love Ya!

Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

I cannot tell you because I think that I still have my mind, but that also may be up for debate :)

Love you!

Allison said...

I think it's breastfeeding. I blame it all on that. And it does get worse with each kiddo.

And that is the very reason why you'll get your birthday present tomorrow instead of your actual birthday. :)