Monday, July 7, 2008

What did Katie do today??!

I set a pitcher of water on the sofa table this morning to take out to water the plants...Katie decided to help me by trying to lift it off the see the results...the WHOLE PITCHER of WATER landed on her and the carpet...I learned a lesson...Katie can now reach up on counter tops and tables to grab things...then she was wondering why I was taking a photo of her while she was soaking wet! Thanks Pippers for trying to help Mommy out. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

LOL...reaching lessons are always hard ones to learn. I remember the first time I realized James could reach the kitchen counter. I was making dinner and he gradded the knife I was using to cut veggies...I had a slight mommy freak-out moment (my child is holding a knife!). Since then I've had to be super careful about what's left everywhere....what till she learns the "I can pull a chair over to the counter and climb up" YIKES!!