Monday, July 7, 2008

A Real Peachy Deal

I am all about trying to find the best healthy way to eat and use food. Recently I have come across a deal at the local grocery store, Harris Teeter. I really like this store-it always seems clean and has good customer service, but is slightly higher in price. :) Within the last few months they have started to repackage fruits and veggies that are somehow not as pretty-slightly bruised or wrinkled etc. They repackage them for $.49-$.59 per pound and are a fantastic deal.! How can you pass up fresh produce??!! I have gotten red peppers (3 for a dollar) apples that I have made into applesauce, oranges that I have made into orange juice, grapefruit that we have eaten-don't know what was wrong with it. Tomatoes that make delicious salsa and now peaches that are SO SO DELICIOUS! The photo shows only half of what I got. It was 5 lbs for $3.00. Katie, Justin and I have eaten most of them and NOTHING has been wrong! I also used this opportunity to freeze a few for later in the fall for smoothies!

Keep your eyes out for deals like this. Wash everything well and then eat away! Be a good steward of the food the Lord has put before us. Happy eatting! :)
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1 comment:

Christina said...

Hey Gi,
I'm way behind in reading blogs lately (hence my comment on this older post!) but I am SO all about the reduced produce at HT. It is my fav place to shop. I get a lot of Organic produce that way too! Right now HT has blueberries and raspberries 4/6.00!! I bought almost $15 worth - but it's enough to freeze for months to come! Their peaches lately have been FABULOUS, but I haven't found any in the reduced section!