Monday, July 28, 2008

LK Erie...the end!

Here are the last photos of our trip to Lake Erie. These are at the capital of WVA. A funny story...We went into the capital builiding (it wasn't locked!) to have a look around. As we walked into this beautiful marble building Katie opened her mouth and said, "AHHH". Since it was an empty building and huge, it echoed back to her....she LOVED IT. She kept saying, "AHH" very loudly and though we hushed her quickly, it was SO CUTE! She had the biggest smile on her face. :) I hope that I continue to pursue that since of aweness that kids have over the smallest neatest things!
Our trip all in all was a good one! Katie did great with her altered schedule, sleeping in her p'n'p' and in the same room as us. Though she slept very little even not falling asleep until 9 pm that night, she was a great vacationer. Thanks Mom and Dad for doing all the rentaling! Thanks Tommy, Jessa and Dustin for being there too! Love you all!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Graham absolutely loves to hear himself echo. He does it in our dining room and at the grocery store since they make him echo the most. He doesn't say something simple like ahh, he just screams at the top of his lungs. I still haven't figured out how to quiet him down!!