Sunday, March 27, 2011


There are many things I am learning about food, nutrition, health....I hope I will always desire to learn what is out there and how to make better foods so my family will have energy and joy for His work. One thing I have been doing lately is some reading on MSG (monosodium glutamate). I've read for some time now and though I try to avoid it I am amazed at how prevalent it is in our foods.

From what I understand, though somebody much smarter then I could write it better, MSG is a chemical that was developed from seaweed salt in Asia. It did start off as a natural flavor enhancer. But now it is added to foods to make them more flavorful by helping to make normally untasty food tasty. It is used mostly in very processed foods. This chemical works by sending a message to our brains...yummmmy....KEEP eating, that is delicious, don't stop, don't stop! Our minds then react in a tricked sort of way thinking that what we are eating is good, therefore nutritious. But really the food is void of much nutritional value-the eat more signal is the MSG talking.

The reasons we have steered away from it are the side affects it can cause. I have learned a few of the things MSG has been linked to are: obesity, autoimmune diseases, liver issues, headaches (I am trying to observe after I eat how I feel, but I normally get a slight headache after I eat Chinese foods which are traditionally high in MSG-my mom told me that! Anyone living in Asia can help me??), flushing, poor attention-ADHD, fibromyalgia.
And as with all things there is the other side which states there is no relationship between MSG and the above symptoms. Hummm....what it believe these days!

So for us as a family I am trying to stay away from foods in which MSG is added because of the potential side affect. And this isn't to difficult if I am seeking to make foods that are real and not processed. :)

It is worth looking up if you are trying to stay more 'real' in your cooking. A few things that I make homemade now that are easy to supplement are chicken stock and seasoning packets like taco seasoning. I also try to buy a good soy sauce that is fermented and natural (Tamari brand).

*Also be aware that some MSG is created naturally in foods, but it is in a NATURAL form not chemical, that is good (for example Tomatoes have natural MSG occurring Glutamate).

For my future reference MSG can be labeled by a few different names...Some ingredients to watch out for are yeast extract, textured protein, protein isolate, and calcium caseinate. MSG may even be labeled using very vague terms such as "natural flavors" or "seasonings."

Just my thoughts on life...
Living by grace through it all!


Joy said...

my mom was also super amazing at steering us away from MSG growing up. I remember LOVING doritos at parties because mom never bought them home due to the dreaded msg.... though, since I hardly have it, I usually do experience a headache when I have it large quantities. it's amazing how many products you can find it in. although, it seems to be less common in the UK (love!). thanks for the helpful information as always Gi- i didn't know that about the tomato or the additional names it could be hidden under.

Metlife said...

Right now we are eating animal crackers with..."natural flavors." Who knew? I won't lie I could eat a million of them, but now I know why :)

Hollie Carson said...

I hate to say this but...CFA uses msg. Do you know how SAD I was to hear this?! I still eat there from time to time, but I think about it every time we eat there (which is not often).

Thanks Gi for the great reminders. I really liked the part where you shared the different names used for MSG. They are just so sneaky.