Monday, July 25, 2011

Landfill Park

We've spent a few morning at the park....mornings outside these days end around 10 am. It is just that hot. But we braved it a few days ago and we had the park to ourselves-I can't understand why. hehehe But we had a great time playing, sweating and just being together!

Yes, I see that his tongue is almost touching that rim...I snapped the photo and seconds later lifted him up for his drink saying-wait for mommy!!!!! :)

Katie has taken a strong liking to the 'jungle monkey' as she calls it. She LOVES learning to climb all around. It has taken her a bit to learn to balance, but now she's a pro!

Owen has no fear...the boy just tries anything! His little legs aren't quite long enough to go from the step to the pole, but he managed to maneuver his way onto it by himself!

Long legs little Ms Katie!

Seriously Momma...I could stay here ALL day.

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