Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Look what came in the mail!

Blessings...That's what came in the mail. Two fun surprises for K and O.
Thank you Papa and Nana. We LOVE you!
Love, fast riding Owen and Momma loving Katie
O received a hot wheels and has been on it non stop (unless K has started some game where they switch between the train and it...that game shows that K loves it too)!

"Beep Beep" is commonly heard and "gs gs"-so we fill it up with pretend gas and off he goes-around and around the circle!

Then a few days later a package came for K. Isn't the excitement great?!

ummmm.......a new baby book for Lily?

WOW, new pjs for Lily and me!!

Cute Twinkies!
Aren't these the best? Anything Paisley is close to my heart. :)

Lily needed her own photo.

Katie really wanted to take a nap yesterday with her new pjs, but when I came in there after a few minutes she said, "Mom, I don't know why, but Lily won't go to sleep. Every time I put her down, a few minutes later she wakes up crying. I just don't know why. She just won't go to sleep these days, she just cries out."

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