Sunday, July 24, 2011


My friend Brandy linked me to this article about rule following on I Take Joy blog...

here is a quote from the article that I am pondering...

"Consequently, it is not in getting the rules right or in defining all of the rules and theology that will make our children want to serve God. It is in laying down our life for them, serving them, listening to them, loving who God made them within the context of a call to holiness, that will secure in them a desire to love God with all of their hearts. By seeing our love, they will more easily understand and receive God’s love, as it will already be familiar to their hearts and brains."

-Thanks Brandy

She also writes a post titled, Sneaking away, a habit with a reward. I found this encouraging and a necessary reminder of my need of Him who alone nourishes my soul for each of my days.

"God wants those who wait on Him, follow His lead, hear His voice. I have noticed in my own life that God is not in a hurry and rarely does things quickly, but in the process of His leading, He cares more about forming character, building holiness, stretching our trust, strengthening our muscles of faith–and through this process He builds in us a legacy of integrity.

And so, this morning, my soul is once again filled with joy, peace, worship and rest–I do not know the future, but I rest in the one who does. It all comes from a habit, a rhythm of making time to be with Him, to hear His voice, to follow His ways. Years and years and years of getting away–to Him. "

1 comment:

Joy said...

i saw brandy's link and likewise read the article- so good. I'll read this one you mention as well. have you read her books? I read mission of motherhood and LOVED it. highly recommend it if you haven't. hope you are well Gi, always enjoy your thoughts!