Sunday, July 10, 2011

what has Owen been up to?

His love of the toilet continues...
He likes to sit on the potty, reading a book and try to go stinky-he never actually goes-he normally has already gone in his diaper, but afterwards runs to the potty and does everything he's seen Katie do (reading books)!
Crossing my fingers that potty training is a breeze...not holding my breath though!

We caught him jumping from the ottoman to the couch.

How much fun can a little guy have, wearing his sisters flip flops and sitting in his car seat? Almost a 1/2 hour of joy.

Found a pair of Katie's play glasses and on they go!

He is cute or what?

So....I am not supposed to sit in this mixing bowl?

Cheese! Owen has taken a fond liking to his animals-one under each arm at night.
Love this little guy!
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Metlife said...

Gi he is looking so much older! You would think it has been months since I have seen him...oh wait, it probably has :) Hopefully we will get together here soon! He is a cutie!

Robin Muse said...

He is just an absolute doll, Gippers!!! And, yes, I am looking at your blog at 6:51 pm instead of tackling the MASSIVE UNBELIEVABLE mess of a kitchen I have before me!!! :)