Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Journaling-Ever had a day like this?




Today the kitchen was a mess by lunch time! I made bread, messies aka muffins, had coffee in the morning, half the sink was full of clean dishes that I hadn't had a chance to put away, finished the guacamole, made breakfast and lunch, cooked hard boiled eggs, etc...
I think that I spent all my "free" time during naps cleaning the kitchen! I need to figure out a way to keep up with the constant flow of dishes AND tend to my kids. :)
Any tips?
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Robin Muse said...

Hire Charles, the butler! :)

Allison said...

HAAAAAAAAAA. Love it, Robin!

No tips here. Just know that you're not alone. My kitchen looks like that every. single. day. And it's ok. We have sweet little blessings to care for, and they are our priority. That's what nap time is for...cleaning up the messes we (and they) made.

One day we'll wish we had those messes back, and that our house wasn't so quiet.

Jae Davis said...

A practical way I started paring down the kitchen dishes is by using as few bowls, skillets, spoons to cook as possible. If I can rinse and reuse a mixing bowl, mix several things into one bowl together, I find I have noticeably fewer dishes to wash in the end. I am also famous for using my 1/4 dry mixing cup for all of the amounts I can do in 4ths in the recipe (like using 8 of them for 2 cups). I also take pots and skillets directly to the table for serving instead of using separate serving dishes. My mom and grandma would faint if they ever found out I put a skillet or pot on the table! Shhh. Don't tell! ;)