Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Save, Spend, Give





We are trying to teach Katie about money. We have learned in the past, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." Matthew 6:24 We want her to know everything is provided by God for our good. Rich or poor. God has provided it all.

So therefore what do you do with money?

I tried to do a lesson with her for "school" today and it didn't go as planned-it was WAY over her head. :) But she did decide that the penny was her favorite. Why? Because Abe's face was on it and she had the most money in pennies. I tried to separate her coins by shape and that went well for about 2 minutes...But she does understand that her piggy banks have names. "Save" 25%, "Spend" 50% and "Give" 25%. We talked about where or to whom she could give to. What she would like to pray about buying. And what she would save for. She is praying about getting gloshes or rain boots! *and the photo with the pennies? She wrote how much she had in that pile..."I think, 555,777" she said. :)

We are going to continue teach her these three categories-save, spend and give. And prayerfully one day soon she will grasp that money is simply a tool to live life. Not something to hord. Not something to be flippant about...But a way to bless/help others and a way to see God provide for his Children.

We want our children to be generous. Generous with their time, talent, money and relationships. Because our God is a generous God. Way more generous then we will ever be able to comprehend.
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1 comment:

Joy said...

i love this idea!
Just curious, what made you and Justin decide the breakdown of 25, 25, and 50?