Thursday, January 28, 2010

Go away 45 minute intruder!


Owen and I don't like you! Owen wants to nap without the -45 minutes into his nap- intruder.

Both our kids have had this issue. And for some reason it takes longer then a few days or weeks to work through to uninterrupted sleep. I think for Katie it took almost a year. We've tried to cry it out, sooth to sleep, rock to sleep, putting them down over tired and putting them down when they are under tired. It doesn't matter...the intruder still comes to wake up my little ones at 45 minutes. It is amazing how precise it is!

So go away 45 minute intruder...let my kids sleep!

PS and if you have any thought to share with me about helping this, please leave me a comment! I want my little one to get a good nap!
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1 comment:

Joy said...

you have probably already know all this stuff, but at least there are other moms out there writing about their similar experiences and solutions...

Let me know what ends up working! I will pray for dear owen in this matter!