Friday, January 1, 2010

Things that are worth it...

Here is my current list. It is a reflection of my season in life with a 3 month old and 2 1/2 year old.

1. A Cup Of Coffee. Justin has started to roast our own beans. Wahoo! It is SO worth it. We tried some Tanzanian beans and they were not my favorite, though it did have a "chocolate" finish. I promise I am not being a coffee snob, it really did have chocolate tones! I think my new favorite is Mexican. Thanks to Julie and Tommy for getting us started. :) Sweet Maria's is the site to check out!

2. My Ergo. If you are one to carry your baby, at least when out doing errands, the Ergo is a necessary baby item. I couldn't live without it right now. Katie and I can go on walks while Owen sleeps or do a grocery run... Check it out.

3. Etsy. I love this site! Everything thing is homemade by different folks. You can buy things from artists around the world. Here is the site. I bought a really neat personalized bracelet for my mom with the kids names engraved and now I am on to buying something for katie's wall. Please tell me if you find any great sellers! (Thanks Allison for the tip!)

4. Watching Katie run and jump. I am amazed at how focused she is and then she is off running on her own little mission. ...Maybe to find a doll, get her stroller or to chase a ball... Those little legs get moving and it is a melt my heart moment.

5. A shower. It is worth making the time to get in even a quick shower. It resets my attitude and give me a moment to rest and prayer. Plus I do smell much better afterwards! :)

6. Formula. Yes, my little guy has had some formula. After lots of trying and prayer, Earth's Best Organic formula (which can be bought from Amazon) is a relief when I don't have much milk for him-normally by the end of the day I might have only an ounce. Why I don't know. So we supplement if needed. I am grateful for this option.

7. Our video monitor. This one that we bought is worth the money. Thank you Jesus for the funds for this!

8. Relying on my husband! Parenting is amazingly hard. I am blessed right now to have my love to share it with. There are so many days that I am encouraged just by having him call at the end of the day to say he is on his way here. I love doing life with him!

9. Making a double meal. One to eat and one to freeze. I have started trying to do this more. I only freeze a meal that I know we really like. My friend, Hollie gave me a SUPERB recipe for Chicken pinwheels-they are sssooooooo good. I love pulling this out of the freezer for a meal. It certainly helps since my cooking time right now is interrupted and short most nights. I also try to prep all meals the day before. So if anything needs to be chopped or could be mixed together early, I try to do this then stick it back in the frig. When I do this, I am very thankful I did. I need to stay at it!

10. Finally. A New Year to live. A New Year to ask God for big things. A New Year to trust my husband and love my kids. A New Year to seek the Lord. A New Year to see what the Lord has in store for our family. A New Year to love. A New Year to be joyful and excited. A New Year to be refined by my Jesus.

1 comment:

Metlife said...

Any chance we can get the superb recipe for the Pinwheels? The hats from Brandi were super cute!