Sunday, January 24, 2010

journaling-the next corner

*remember these are my, raw, very little proof reading here!

I have had these moments in life where I (Justin included) think if we can just get around the next corner and do this...or do that...or move here...or accomplish this...or have a baby....or buy a house...or listen to this sermon...or keep up with our schedule...or when we turn 30...or if I read this will settle down. Life will become "normal". There won't be any more surprises. Life will become doable or "easy". All of our questions will be answered. We will get into a rhythm and sail along.

But life, we're finding, doesn't work like that. There is no magic potion that will make life what we thought it would be like. Didn't we all think that by the time we turned 25 or 30 or 35 we would have it all together. We would know all the answers. There would be no more "what if"s. No more hurt hearts. No more fears of the unknown. And practically speaking we'd have bought one house and be living in it until we passed it along to our kids (we have moved 7 times since we've been married and are looking to move again!). We'd know how to keep our house clean at all times. We'd know how to teach each of our kids. We'd know how to best serve our friends and we'd love our husbands oh so well.

It has taken me a bit to realize and understand that we live in a world that is not predictable-it's a fallen world. Our world is pushing us to do this, or that, to go here or stay there. Happiness is just around the corner the world says....But sin is constantly tantalizing us to give in-it tells us, "You can do it, you can find it. Contentment/peace is just around the next corner" But I can't. I have tried. It isn't around the bend.

So more and more I am thankful that we live under a sovereign God that takes care of us at each step of the way. Change is going to happen. Change is the one thing that seems constant! But thankfully He lovingly provides whatever we need for the moment. I am glad relieved to stop trusting myself and learn to trust Him. Sometimes the moments are crazy. But His yoke is easy and His burden light the scriptures tell me. And since I am far from perfect I am thankful for these moments, all moments, to rely on and trust in Him. To find my comfort or security within Him. To stop striving for the next thing and to simply rest. Rest in Him (it's not always easy) is where I find comfort and peace about life; each step of the way.

So here's to the next corner to turn! May our life be lived boldly, with great joy and lots of laughing and smiles-looking forward to the next corner and not grasp tightly to what we thought life would be like by now.

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