Thursday, July 8, 2010

9 months

Owen our little guy, turns 9 months today! Most days seem to have flown by, though there have been a flurry of long ones too.
A few things about you.
You are standing up all the time. No walking yet, though you have learned how to jump off the floor, landing sometimes on your feet, but most of the time on your rump. You'll walk soon!
You have been introduced to many foods (a favorite right now are puffs and blueberries), though you would still prefer to nurse.
You have six teeth, making nursing fun-ha!
You are slowly learning how to sleep well night. Currently you still want to nurse twice at night, though we have let you learn to go back to sleep many times. YOU CAN DO IT-SLEEP through the night!
You are talking up a storm, especially when Katie is not around, I guess you need to fill the silence when she is napping etc.
You haven't been sick much except for the croup and whatever you have now...maybe another light version of croup. :(
You are wearing pretty much "normal" 9-12 months clothing.
Most people call you a little man. Your look is very "distinguished" said one lady.
Katie can make you laugh and cry. :) But she LOVEs you!
You suck your two middle fingers.
You love your Momma, but are superbly excited when Daddy comes home.
You are a bit stubborn when it comes to being told no. But on the flip side you can be sensitive when anyone raises their voice or cries. Most of the time you join them in their emotions.
You are a super smiley baby and most people think you smile nonstop.
You're not a fan of the big pool, but the baby pool or bathtub are your daily friends.
Oh and we love your blue eyes and slightly curly locks.

All in all Owen Bradley, we LOVE you more and more each day. Our prayers include many things but most of all that the Lord will get ahold of our heart, that you will see you desperate need of Him and that our lives would point you to the Gospel and Jesus.
*Photos to come soon!

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