Monday, July 12, 2010

Crisp P

Peaches are in season...YUM...I have frozen two bags for smoothies, made peach crisp (which Katie calls crisp p)-topped with a oatmeal crumble-oh wow was it good and devoured the rest fresh. Katie, Owen, Justin and myself think this batch we got was almost perfect. Thanks Beth for sharing a box!
And just a thought...if you can buy things in season, go for it! Eat a lot of them when they are not brought in from miles and miles away. Buy from the local farmers and enjoy all the delicious nutrients that they offer. It's better to buy local and fresh then organic and far away. Just remember to shake the hand that feeds you and it will be healthier for you!
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Allison said...

where did you get them? would LOVE to find some locally!

Justin and Gi said...

Unfortunately they were brought back from the Charlotte area... :( But I have heard there are some delicious ones at the State Farmers Market. And really these were SO SO yummy-worth finding some more!
I hope you can find some soon. Happy eating!

*Melissa Anne* said...

I am actually trying peel and cut up a large laundry basket full of peaches from our tree...I'm sure they are better if they aren't so all consuming! ha It is taking days and we still aren't done!