Sunday, September 26, 2010

Journaling-melt down times four

Owen...update...sleeping is still a battle. Bummer. We are continuing to try the earlier bedtime, but even tonight he went down at 6:15 and has already been up and crying twice by 7:30. What gives? Anybody have any thoughts? Yesterday he woke up 5 times between 7:00pm and 10:30pm! I haven't gone into his room, but let him work himself back to sleep. But tonight, I finally gave him some water and a hug. Back down, we will see how long. Oh, and he now also has a cold-a runny nose. Lovely. I gave him some Tylenol and I hope that helps, though it doesn't seem to yet and I gave it to him at 5:30. He did play just fine all day long. Took two short naps about 45-an hour each, so again he is tired, way overtired.

Katie...skipped her nap today and played in her room, trying to "sleep" she said. In bed by 7:25 and having a melt down because daddy was putting her down...though normally daddy is who she wants. She couldn't sit still for her Bible story and wanted to sing her own song while we say My Mercy, My God. The three's are a tough age since they think they know so much. Plus, they can try and talk their way out of things. Whew....hopefully she is asleep almost by now. She has been coughing at night-I am sure because of her overdose of dairy this past week. Oh and she has decided to get up to go tinkle ALL THE TIME during the night.

Justin-working hard to be a joyful dad today. Doing a much better job then me. Also tried to get me to understand his thoughts on what to do with the house...yeah, my ideas on a couch/chair...different then his. Oh and he gave me a message for Mother's Day that I just redeemed this weekend at Massage Envy...Lauren, was the girl that I went to and was superb. Thanks for the treat, Love!

Me-I could have cried at multiple points. I am tired. Tired of waking up 5 times a night. Tired of Owen working on sleeping and crying himself back to sleep. Tired of praying for a joyful heart-though I know that won't change, yes, I am a sinner. Tired of trying to get things done only to be one step backwards and not forwards on my list. Tired of looking for a couch. Tired of being afraid to make a wrong decision. (But we ARE buying a couch this week! :)

But overall...thankful for another day. Thankful for time with my kiddos and husband. Thankful for the mercy and grace of God. Thankful that I can ask for help. Thankful that it is 8:00 and I can get ready for bed soon. Thankful we can even afford to buy a couch. Thankful, thankful, thankful. Jeremiah 33:3

And I know that I am posting thoughts that are not always encouraging to anyone reading them. But this is our life right now. And right now, again just so we are clear, we are THANKFUL for where we are, what we are doing and WHO we are serving.


Joy said...

good thoughts. cry-it-out is never ever fun. I used to leave to go Journal at a coffee shop so Shaun could handle cry-it-out and wasn't as emotionally involved as I was. Then when I came back it seemed that at least some of the worst part was over. Just stick with it.
Could you leave a water cup in his bed for him to find if he needs it? I think Augustine always became more aroused than comforted when I came in for 5 minutes just to leave again.
Either way, I will pray for you right now. Can't wait to see a picture update of this couch!

*Melissa Anne* said...

I am so thankful for you and your fight to be thankful in it all! You are an encouragement.
Press on!