Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journaling-We have...

Almost dropped Owen's morning nap...what am I going to do with two kiddos awake until noonish-yikes!~ I am going to have to readjust my expectations and then be super focused during naptime! This is trying my selfishness! ahhhh....more prayer to be done. Thank you Jesus for your constant help as we seek to train our kids.

Almost sold everything on Craigslist...and boy am I ready to be done with this side job! Only a bookcase, rocking chair, a few lamps or artwork and then fabric covered reclining chair, oh and this silly armoire to sell!

Almost decided on which couch and chair to buy for the living room. Almost. Why can't I make a decision! This frustrates me!!

(I have been) working on my anger. I am amazed at out quickly I get angry at disobedience or when my schedule is interrupted. Then I have been wondering where Katie gets her 'gritting teeth' from...I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I need to pray for grace and patience. I want to respond with love! Please Jesus help me with this. And I am extremely grateful that we discipline in the bathroom and not on the spot. This allows me time to pray and collect my thoughts before we talk through discipline and forgiveness. Thankful also for only disciplining when using these five words. Read this article if you don't know what I am referring to by my friend Beth.

Almost decided on what to do in our bed room. Excited about this!!

Officially seen the stress take its tole on our emotions, well my emotions, from our move and busy summer. I have been on a roller coaster ride this past two weeks on de-stressing and wondering what to do with myself now that I don't have constant female contact. I am amazed at how much my heart was enjoying talking about life with women that lived with us. It was stressful at times and took a lot of energy, but now that we are here, I have to rethink my time and fellowship. I think it is going to take some time and prayer, but I will get back to that fellowship.

Been trying decide what to do as a family for a hobby...or at least what is something we could do together except the park-which is a huge hit with the kids...but how many parks can one go to in a day...at least two so far! :)

Reading the book Radical for small group...a good reminder to pursue Jesus for a lifetime. But does have a few things I am wondering how they fit or if they are not dangerous thoughts if not read in context with the scriptures.

Been planning on going back to KS for my brother and sister-in-laws wedding reception! Yippee!
We are SUPER excited for you Tommy and Julie. Justin and I LOVE being married and pray the same for you two. May you always serve each other 100%. May you love like Christ loved the church. We pray you find that deepness of a rich marriage in Jesus.

Really desiring to spend some time planning what the rest of the year should look like now that we have moved to town. Where do the days go? I want to be purposeful!

Loved getting more family time with Justin!

Been thinking about preschool, homeschooling...

Thought about doing an art class for Katie and me or gymnastics.

I have been thinking so much about the fact that Jesus is really all I need. That it is my privilege to walk this journey God has for me. I can't walk my kids journey. I can't walk my husbands journey. I can walk alongside with them, but I can't do anything for them. Well, I can pray and encourage and help, but when I get to heaven and stand before Jesus...it is just me and Him. I don't want to miss out on what my relationship should look like with Him here because I am to busy doing my own thing. I NEED Him. I am fully aware that my Jesus is all I have and need. (I need fellowship and community at an incredible depth as well)

Been thinking that we are ready for COOLER FALL WEATHER and a nice rainy day would sit well with my heart!


Metlife said...

Wow, part of the time I felt like I was reading my own journal. I can relate to so many thing here Gi!! I will pray for you when I struggle with the same things.

Joy said...

I love love love reading this.. it is so good to know there are other real life humans out there weighing the same things I am. I am so thankful for your vulnerability. You are a blessing.