Sunday, September 26, 2010

Katie says....

In the morning when she wakes up, we hear "I see light. I see darkness." Yes, that's our cue that she is ready to get out of bed.

Justin asked, Katie, how do you obey?...."by obeying."

Justin said be careful standing so close to the window-she was standing on one leg. She replied, "Daddy, I am standing like an ostrich."

Katie walking through the house yelling, "Tink, Tink, Tink, where are you?" Tink is Katie's sister, or daughter or friend. She is different each day. But Tink goes everywhere with us. Her imagination is vivid! Tonight, Katie set the table and there was an extra spot for Tink.

Katie is always praying for the ambulances or fire engines as they race by.

Katie told Owen today, "Owen, in 5 minutes we are going to have bubble time. When Mommy says we need to go back, please do not whine and obey with a happy heart."

"Mommy, can we walk to Starbucks and get a juice box."

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