Saturday, January 29, 2011


Katie at 3.5 years old you are wonderful.

A few things that speak to this stage of your life:

You love the color pink and purple.
You talk from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep--There is never a quiet moment with you, our gifted communicator.
You have an imagination that is So very creative and constantly expressive with your words and facial expressions. And with all your animals and dolls, Tinkerbell is the only one that always disobeys-Interesting. Everybody else learns and obeys.
You are a great eater and fuss very little at meal times. I think we could say, you enjoy good food!
A few foods you enjoy-Hummus, pretzels, almond milk, cookies, dark chocolate, peas, chicken fingers, sweet potatoes, graham bunnies, fruit-though you think you don't like pineapple-I know you do, bread/honey/butter, water, tea, muffins
You are learning social cues. You now have a fake laugh and can mimic us with big tears and huge smiles.
You've been disciplined your fair share. There is a stubborn streak in you that can end in you throwing a fit. You're working on instead using words and not getting angry.
You love your daddy and dates with him. Dates with Mommy are also special.
You are becoming aware of things that tend to drain your time and that those aren't always good for you An example, you love watching videos, but they aren't always the best thing to do with your day. You like Veggie Tales, Minnie Mouse and watching Worship videos.
You are recognizing the need of sharing your best stuff...Of denying what you want for the benefit of another. You are working with Owen to put others first.
You are growing in your confidence in your independence. You are saying hello to our neighbors and trying to interact with them from our yard without our prompting.
You are beginning to see victory over sin. Today you said, "Daddy when I got dressed today, I didn't complain!"
You can get stuck on something and not. let. it. go. Sometimes those thoughts are stuck on mistakes we make. :) Sometimes they are stuck on going somewhere..."when are we going to do errands? when are we going to errands? when are we going to do errands?
You desire to dress yourself. It is a discussion most days as to what is the best outfit to wear.
For some reason you don't think wearing a coat, in January, is necessary. And you don't always think wearing socks is necessary either.
You sleep with a mouse named Bunny, and a bunny named stitch, in a queen size bed that is often used for our guests. Then you love the homemade 'pockets' you get to sleep in on our floor when they come.
You are still taking naps, but there have been plenty of days where you have played in your room for rest time on your bed-and you've been very creative in your imaginative conversations!
Your blond hair is very straight, but it holds a curl great when I curl it.
In social settings you are very observant. You are quiet and watch everything. It will take a handful of minutes before you warm up and understand the new place you are in.
We are trying to help you learn to make friends. You know how to introduce yourself and have started making friends.
You love going to Church.
You sleep about 12 hours a night and wake up sometimes to go the bathroom or to tell us, 'I need a snuggle'.
Being outside is fun, but so is playing in your room, or coloring or reading. You enjoy all activities.
You are into helping me do chores, and love when I give you a task. Your chores right now include setting the table with cups and silverware.
You are learning to save and spend money. Your favorite spot to spend money-a hot apple cider at Starbucks!
You love play dates with friends and love the days when we run errands.

Little girl, you are a JOY to have in our life. We LOVE you, our daughter, to the moon and back. We don't know what the Lord will do with your life, but we pray earnestly that He uses it mightily. Right now, you know Jesus is real. You know He is always there for you. You believe the Bible is true and great and lovely. You've memorized a few verses and we hope they find a permanent home in your heart. We are praying that you continue to grow into a woman of God that loves His people and knows of the Father's love for you .

You love your dad, mom and brother. And we love you beautiful one!


Metlife said...

Isaac's favorite colors are pink and purple also, is that a problem?!! Is it is problem that that is the part I am commenting on? I promise the rest was good as well :)

Anna said...

This is so precious! I just wanna give her a hug...and you too! I love love love reading your blog, Gi!