Monday, January 10, 2011

What Owen does at 15 months

Owen you are precious! You are a sweet little boy. You are into everything these days. Some of your favorite things include:
Climbing into everything and just sitting there. Climbing on top of anything just to see if you can. Hiding behind chairs and the toy tower to play, 'boo'. You are still a picky eater, but learning quickly to give anything a try. A few favorite foods are any sample from Harris Teeter, hot dogs, peas, bread and butter or pbj, bananas, apples, cuties, muffins, crackers, hummus, Chipolte. You are beginning to enjoy reading and can be found with a book pulled off the shelf, sitting on the ground reading. You are making elephant noises and RUNNING everywhere. You still enjoy being outside at all times. When Daddy comes home, you go running to him! You give wide open kisses and great hugs. You suck your two middle fingers and we are thankful that they help you sleep. Your sleep has been quite the trick lately. You still need a short morning nap, though you have been playing through it some days recently. You take a 1.5 hour afternoon nap. You need to be in bed about 7:15 and wake up around 7:15. You wake up about 3 times a night and lately daddy has been going into check on you, or letting you fuss back to sleep. And last night you didn't wake up at all-yay! You have some curls in the back of your hair, which are adorable. You do need your hair cut about every month as it is growing like crazy and we don't want you to have a mullet! You are wearing about 12-18 month clothing and always want your socks on and shoes put away in the closet. One of your favorite times of the day is bubble (bath) time-you've learned to splash! Your sister is your best playing pal and you all play well together. She is starting to play with the sports balls and swords with you and you still play baby dolls with her or cook some food. We LOVE to hear you all laugh at each other. You are working on your OCD. Yes, you cannot handle having the shoes out of their spot in the closet and you consistently shut all doors so they are closed. I can't even keep the dryer door open as you want to close it right away. You also love to give hugs and your open mouth kisses are precious! You can dance with the best of us as well-up and down or spinning around and around-or you do a stomping of happy feet. You are amazing!
Owen B. We LOVE you. You are a joy and we are thankful for God's gift in giving you to us.
Can I stand up on this rolling train? Ooh, yes I can!
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